Structure for conducting research work
We offer areas in Latin America for conducting trials and research work, according to the selected culture and objective.
Areas for experiment
The Phytus Institute has two of its own Experimental Stations, at strategic points for the development of national agriculture, one in Itaara – Rio Grande do Sul and the other in Planaltina – Distrito Federal, both accredited by MAPA, with certifications for conducting regulatory tests.
The Phytus Institute also has an Experimental Area in Formigueiro/RS, focused on rice and soybean crops.
Discover our Experimental Stations
Experimental Station of Itaara-RS
Experimental Station of Planaltina-DF
Get to know the structure for carrying out the work
Research Laboratories
- Product absorption
- Mobility of fungicides
- Reaction of cultivars to pathogens
- Residue of fungicides, insecticides, herbicides
- Pesticide residues in vegetable products
- Product positioning
- Seed treatment
- Plant nutrition / disease ratio
- Biological products
- Plant activators
- Nematode count
- Compatibility studies of pesticide mixtures in spray tanks.
- Infectious soil tank for plant growth
Growth rooms
- Temperature, humidity and photoperiod control
- Root system
- Direct and indirect physiological effects
- Stress tolerance
- Efficacy Studies and Reproduction Factor in Nematodes
- Analysis of nematodes in soil and root
- Seed Pathology
- Diagnoses
- In vitro and in vivo tests
- Sensitivity of pathogens to fungicides
- Insect mortality
Field experiments
- Product Effectiveness
- Competition and product positioning
- Plant nutrition/disease ratio
- Seed treatment effect
- Differential response of cultivars to fungicides
- Cultivar evaluation