The Phytus Institute is now Staphyt
A market-leading company working in the areas of Agricultural Research and Regulatory Affairs and Consultancy for Chemical and Biological products.
One of the primary global Contract Research Organizations (CROs) specializing in agriculture, dedicated to generating data through laboratory experiments and field trials, consistently striving to achieve the client’s goals and success
Contact us
Staphyt Brasil in 2023:
Contracted Trials
Treatments Performed
Areas of activity: Laboratory, Field and Regulatory Advisory
C&R Filial
CNPJ: 03.474.135.0002-68
Fone: +55 (61) 9 9629 7915
Estação Experimental:
Formosa – GO
GO-430, km 14 – Zona Rural, Formosa – GO, 73801-970
Envio de amostras para Goiás:
Laboratório de análises
Av. Maestro João Luiz do Espírito Santo, Quadra J, N° 1327. Formosinha, Formosa/GO. CEP: 73807-745
São Paulo
Staphyt Brasil Agro Consultoria Ltda
CNPJ: 16.418.079/0001-05
Estação Experimental:
Conchal – SP
Fazenda Santa Fé, Estrada Municipal CHL 362, KM 1, Bairro Tujuguaba,
Conchal -SP, CEP: 13.835-000.
Caixa Postal 74
Sede Regulatório
São Paulo – SP
Rua Barão do Triunfo 612, sala 1701, Brooklin, São Paulo, SP.
CEP: 04602-002
Rio Grande do Sul
CNPJ 03.474.135/0001-87
Fone: +55 (55) 3028.4001
Estação experimental:
Itaara – RS
Estrada da Barragem do Ibicuí,
nº 3129. CEP 97185-000 • Itaara/RS
Envio de amostras para o RS:
Sede administrativa
Alameda Antofagasta, nº 77, sala 703.
Bairro Ns.ª Sr.ª das Dores.
Santa Maria – RS, CEP: 97050-660.